Each day 100 million internet users watch an online video. You Tube is the second to highest search engine, and 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision process. To stay ahead in today's online market, video is a key ingredient.

Our Professional Video Toolbox provides:

Storyboarding & Creative Direction . Script Writing . Photography . On-Site Video Capture . BTS Filming . Production Management . HD Digital Video Editing . Compositing & Special Effects . DVD Programming & Menu Design . Desktop Presentations . Web Video . Green Screen Production

Why invest in Video? Watch the 11 reasons why you should choose video for your communication needs.

Why choose XSEED for your video needs?

At XSEED Design and Production we tell memorable, real-life stories, from real people. Whether it's about your business, profession, event; or about a vision, experience, or expression; we know how to capture the essence of your story.

We know what sticks, and we tell stories to do just that. Stories that move people emotionally, that make people think, or that allow people to create their own interpretations - are the stories that are remembered. Video can be an excellent communication tool if done right. Telling a memorable story is what makes video a successful tool. And if pictures speak 1,000 words - just imagine how efficient a video can be!

At XSEED Design and Production we have the creative, technical and professional know-how to communicate your story, and we will tell it with grace, enjoyment and ease.

Types of Videos We make:

Personal Profiles . Business Profiles . Commercials . Crowd-Source/Kickstarter . Demonstration. Instruction . Events . Presentation . Interviews . Marketing/Promotional . Motion Graphics . Music . Non-profit . Product . Public Relations . Recruitment . Reels . Training . Short Narratives

Video Descriptions

Business Profile Videos

This is where we tell your story through your own voice. We aim to show the world your passion, for what you do, who you are, and what you can do for your clients. We believe in celebrating your uniqueness and showcasing it. We know what sells, and it's you - your Company. We pay attention to what makes you stand out from the crowd and then base the entire production around it. From interview to editing we know how to pull the right stuff. The finished product speaks for itself, not only does it move, inspire or motivate it's a beautiful picture. From lighting to set design, an eye for framing, coloring and screen design, we make it stand out from the rest.

Event Videos

We create videos for projection during events as well as videos of the event itself. Artists, non-profits, business networks, associations, families, and groups of all kinds want a way to entertain during their events as well as remember the important day. Often times an event video is used to help gain exposure or to book recurring events. Event videos are an awesome way to entertain, express something artistically, and gain exposure. 

PRomotional Videos

What sells? The nature of character and humor. A creative take on a old story. The passion one has for what they do. Conviction in a product. Testimonials. Living by example. Sharing a new vision. Artistic display. And more... Consult with us and we can help determine what marketing angle is the best one for you!

Public Relation Videos

Stories connect us as people. Since time began, we've been telling stories as a means to relate and to evolve as people. When you carefully combine wonder-filled pictures, music, words and stories it will inspire the audience to be more, do more, and share in the experience of humanity. These videos are designed to help us connect, to get involved, or think differently. At XSEED we capture and tell true stories that produce results for your outreach efforts. 

Music Videos

There's a beautiful connection between music and video - and together the possibilities are endless. At XSEED Design and Production we are known for being musically inclined. We make videos that express your musical self, in any shape or form, while making sure your music is the star of the show. We love to create music videos and the passion in our work will not go unnoticed.